Great App! But Can You Do Beta?
Whether driving to work, sweating it off on the treadmill, or binge-watching their favourite courtroom drama, 91% of smartphone users keep their devices within arm’s reach 24/7. Apps have become the way we connect with the world – and the way we conduct business.
Since its inception in 2007, the mobile application economy has begun to outshine Hollywood, whose global box office revenue for 2014 was $36.4 billion. By 2017, app downloads are expected to generate $77 billion worth of revenue.
Apps are hot property and everyone wants some real estate. But what too many companies seem to forget in this age of appdemonium is that no matter how kickass your app – delivering on your brand’s promise really is the only thing that matters in the end.
In the world of business, technologies are only the enablers – not the people driving them. Apps should bring consumer access and convenience – and those that do triumph. In the process, power is shifted from institutions to individuals.
Customer experience is still personal and the #1 factor influencing how much a customer trusts a company.
An app for app’s sake is not enough. After all – in the world of technology – what you do today may not be relevant tomorrow. On the other hand, without all the technological bells and whistles your company’s relevance is dragged into question.
From the customer’s standpoint, an omni-experience is called for – where people and technologies live in perfect harmony. But technology’s nomadic nature means that customer experience will always be in a state of flux. So, where does that leave the brand?
A trend has emerged. Today’s most successful companies are the ones that live in permanent beta – constantly evolving – always on a quest to be better. So, how do you do beta?
Drive the Maelstrom
With no hard and fast rules to guarantee a company’s success, the business landscape is one of chaos. But rather than choke on it – thrive on it. Be eveready to adapt. Take a proactive approach to change by looking at success as the start of the next chapter – not the end goal. And fill your schedule with productivity, not just activity.
Nurture Your Pride
Asking for help is never easy, but being transparent about your process garners trust. Build a tribe. Create a nucleus between you and your customer – be your customer’s ally – and allow your business to grow from that relationship. Look at any failures along the way as an opportunity for change.
Stay Two Steps Ahead
Arrogance breeds complacency. To stay two steps ahead, focus on training your employees to reflect your vision – your relationship with the people that work for you ultimately influences how your employees engage with your customers.
When all is said and done, your company needs to brave the storm with everyone else – gathering information and building relationships to stay ahead of the curve. But in all this seeming chaos, keep the customer experience simple – always make it as easy as possible for the customer to engage and transact with your brand. And finally, let technology enable you, not command your brand.
Catherine Clifford, 26 Aug 2014,
Laura Fagan, 24 Oct 2013,
Pamela McClintock, 11 Mar 2015,
Dan Martell,
Tricia Morris, 24 Oct 2014,
Dan Rowinski, 7 Apr 2015,
Daniela Puzzo, 26 Feb 2013,
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