Many studies across the globe support the fact that the engagement of employees is in direct relation to customer experiences.
Employees are the most important part of the business and they have needs. If these needs are not met and they are not kept happy and motivated, they will automatically become unproductive and deliver poorer service, resulting in customers not returning, and therefore, less profitability.
Happy employees equal happy customers. The delivery process of any company is the sole responsibility of the employees. So, as long as the employees’ satisfaction is upheld, the level of the customer experience delivery will be maintained.
The carrot and the stick.
People, like animals, respond very well to incentives. The concept of punishment and reward is a global unspoken truth, and people will always be driven by reward. But, in order to deliver the ultimate customer experience, and therefore, increase business profits, employees need to be emotionally invested in achieving the company’s goals and not only their own goals.
Employees are people.
As a business leader, one needs to care for and nurture the employed team. The employees need to feel valued through being given a real voice. Being asked for feedback and opinions naturally makes one feel a sense of being valued.
A recent survey showed that 65% of workers would prefer a new boss or manager over a raise. Without a leader’s motivation and respect, the “care” of the employee becomes lost. It’s simple: when your employees stop caring, the business suffers. When they do care, they perform well and so does the business.
Every human being wishes for his or her “Dream Job”. Most jobs are, unfortunately, not exactly so dreamy. Leaders need to make a concerted effort to make the employee’s position as “dreamy” as possible by treating them as partners. They are, and should feel as though they have embarked on a common mission with the business heads.
The more the employees are kept in the loop with regards to what is going on within the business, the more sense of ownership they will have, and this sense of accountability, in itself, is motivating and inspiring. The inspiration process should begin at the interview and should be maintained on a daily basis. The team needs to become emotionally invested in the company’s goals, and the only way to do this is through being transparent and open.
Every company should be employing people who “fit the profile”. If they DO fit the profile and share the company’s vision, then surely their opinions, suggestions and feedback matter? If they are not aligned with the company completely, they probably should not have been employed in the first place.
The idea of being “in it together” should always be communicated through really working together and sharing news, ideas and concerns openly. As a leader, one needs to facilitate this sort of mentality in order to achieve the full trust of the employees, and therefore, their loyalty and commitment to achieving the shared goals.
The carrot and the stick may work short-term, but treating your employees as partners in your business journey will ultimately grant the accomplishment of long-term objectives.
View the previous nlighten blog by Shani Sayag: The Social Media Microphone
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